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What’s the Difference Between Classic, Vintage, and Antique Cars?

Classic car

Few people can resist taking a second glance at an old car passing on the highway. Men, women, and children all seem to be drawn to them, no matter how hard they try not to be. It’s 2021 and it’s official that kids born in the 2000s are about to be (or already are) of legal drinking age – wow! So, does that make cars made in the 1990s “antique?” Not exactly. Terminology is important, especially in the car world. Are you looking to purchase a classic car? Vintage? Antique? This is important information as all of these labels mean something specific and are not interchangeable. Since these words are often misused in our industry, we wanted to define the different kinds of “old” cars…for posterity’s sake, of course!

History of Cars

Cars have come a long way and are a product of a global effort to increase mobility. Thanks to Karl Benz, 1886 is considered the birth year for the modern car. Partnerships took place, which led to cars becoming more readily available in the early 20th century, though only for the elite. Eventually, Henry Ford came into the picture with the first car readily accessible to common man, the Ford Model T. All it took to buy one was four months of a factory worker’s pay! Great progress was made throughout the 20th century as we saw some of the most-widely revered cars hit the market. Ford, Chevrolet, Mercedes Benz, Porsche – these are just a very limited few of the companies that have brought us to where we are today. Let’s take a look at the definitions of classic, antique, and vintage!

Classic Cars

Classic cars can be hard to define as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, allowing any proud car owner to deem their vehicle “classic” (as long as it’s over 25 years old and under 40 years old). What others look for in classic cars revolve around how it’s held up over time. Has it kept its original design and specifications? Is it worth it to restore the vehicle instead of scrapping it? Does it stand out in a crowd of everyday cars? These are all questions to ask when determining if a car is classic or not. Though definitions vary from state to state, these are some good parameters to look out for. Some of the most notable classic cars are

  • Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z (1985-1990)
  • Dodge Omni Shelby GLH/GLHS (1984-1986
  • Porsche 959 (1986-1989)
  • Toyota Celica Supra (1982-1986)

Antique Cars

With antique cars, the focus is more on the age itself. Cars are considered “antique” when they’re over 45 years old. Some of these cars include:

  • 1946 Triumph 1800 Roadster
  • 1957 Ford Thunderbird
  • 1969 Dodge Charger
  • 1970 Dodge Challenger

Vintage Cars

Now, it’s time for vintage cars! Once again, these are classified primarily by the age of the car. Vintage cars are those that were made between 1919 and 1930 such as:

  • Bugatti Brescia Type 13 1910-1926
  • Ford Model T

Though you probably won’t see any Ford Model T’s coming across Bid, Buy & Drive’s website, we’re excited to get some awesome classic and antique cars auctioned off!